Bad Role Models Create Chaos
Bad Role Models Create Chaos I recently posted a news bulletin that blames the media for the increase in mass slayings of late. It was a comedy post which you could have taken purely as a joke, but today I'd like to say the same thing seriously. You wouldn't need to take a deadly weapon out of the hand of a teen if the media would be more responsible in choosing their idols. Someone like Taylor Swift, for instance, who they present as harmless, is actually a psychopath. Being a star is more important to her than anything. She stole her music and lied about its author to be a star. She broke the law and went to jail to be the star she is now. That's not all that different from committing a mass slaying to be a star. The same destructive ambition guides both acts. I'm old now, but I'm wise. I know I'm probably happier living the life of an ordinary worker, even though my creative talent might not be so ordinary. We could avoid a lot of bloodshed ...