
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Drowning Howl: Wednesday October 26, 2022

The Drowning Howl: Wednesday October 26, 2022 Hello, and welcome to another edition of the Drowning Howl, where it's not quite all bad news. The government has shown its hand with its latest budget proposals, and its apparent wish to force fiscal responsibility on the public has been met with bitter and widespread condemnation. Like it or not, however, spending cuts are on the way, and it may be time to brace for a shock. No more free rides; they're sending all the squatters to the workhouse. They say that someone has to turn those mills by hand if we want to keep our energy bills down, and that there are more than enough available able-bodied squatters. Another ecologically positive move, a return to horse-drawn public transportation, is hoped to help us stay within the confines of our shrinking fuel budget. Finally, publicly supported medical care will be limited to only the severest cases of cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis and typhus. The lactose intoleran...

Beware YouTube's Fraud Love

Beware YouTube's Fraud Love Here's my link to my September 1/22 post here. A lot of good it did. Taylor Swift Is Fraud Gee, it's kind of like talking to a brick wall. I just had to see two videos in my YouTube selection that two promote musical thieves: Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift. They know they're guilty and I'm not concerned about any punishment for calling them out publicly. YouTube obviously cares more about making money than it does about protecting the artists who write hit songs for them. They're a filthy bunch. All I got for my music on their site was a big long nightmare with all their creepy fraud stars soaking up the limelight. I wish they could get someone human to work there. I wish someone had warned me what kind of assholes I was sharing my music and comedy with. They can't write a decent work because they have no heart and no imagination. They're just ordinary dummies who crave attention like children. They do...