Google Who Do You Blame?
Google Who Do You Blame? Copyright 2007, 2010: Words and Music by David Skerkowski. Above: It's still online in my (Google's) YouTube account after almost 12 years. I found myself rewriting it while facing impending homelessness at my old apartment. Yes, I was only a few days away from a homeless shelter when I rewrote Easy from my suffering life. And why did a band of rich, spoiled rock stars make millions of dollars from it when it came from my poverty? So, Google and NBC, you have done a great job of convincing people around here that I'm to be stepped on. Last night someone threw a rock at my window and just now someone slurred me from across the street at 6:30 in the morning. That should make all those crooked, jealous stars of yours happy. What I want to ask Google especially, though, is who do you blame for this? Google, do I deserve to have rocks thrown at my window now just because I want to stand up for my intellectual property? I alr...