The Drowning Howl: Saturday May 28, 2022
The Drowning Howl: Saturday May 28, 2022 Good day, and here is our report for another week. As usual, only five things happened. Although rents seem to be soaring out of reach, a top developer advises that we brace ourselves and wait until more affordable housing can become available. He says that old shipping containers offer a quick fix. Stackable up to five storeys, the containers could house a growing population, making ideal family units. Easy to assemble Anderson bomb shelters, on the other hand, could accommodate single men. A suitable zone for such dwelling places still needs to be found, with the city dump highest on the current list of possibilities. It may take a long time to realize this Utopian vision, but existing units are expected to finally drop in price once they start to get run-down. Strong faith in our soldiers on the Eastern Front was voiced in parliament on Wednesday, declaring that they are the superior military force and that the enemy canno...